
How This Works/Your Cost



Contact Us




Q. How do I apply?

A. Visit this page on our site to learn more about this works, costs associated with the program, timeframe for applications as well as to access the link during an open application period. Be sure to read the rest of this FAQ page as well, please as it will likely answer most of your questions.


Q. How much does will it cost?

A. Please visit our Costs page for details and to learn how this works.


Q. Can I choose my own provider?

A. No. At this time, the program is coordinated through specific designated providers. You will be assigned a specific veterinary provider's contact information for scheduling.


Q. Once I apply, will I automatically be issued a voucher?

A. No. With a limited number available each month, we cannot guarantee any eligible applicant will receive a voucher in a given cycle, unfortunately. We encourage applicants to visit our Resources page to consider additional local low cost veterinary options. *** PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE TEAM FOR STATUS - ALL APPLICANTS WILL BE NOTIFED BY THE 20TH OF THE CYCLE MONTH AS TO WHETHER THEY ARE RECEIVING A VOUCHER OR IF THEIR APPLICATION IS DECLINED. ***


Q. Will I receive pre-op and post-op instructions to prepare my pet for surgery and provide appropriate aftercare for them?

A. Yes, the veterinary provider will offer specific pre-op instructions, as well as aftercare guidelines to ensure your pet's comfort once they return home. Please take the time to read them thoroughly.


Q. If my pet has complications or isn't feeling well after the procedure, do I call or email Lowcountry Pet Fixers?

A. No, you will need to refer to the paperwork given to you by your provider. This site is NOT for medical advice or emergencies.


Q. If my application isn't approved, will I be on a wait list?

A. No. The application period is open several days per month and there are only twenty vouchers that will be issued per month. Applications that are not approved at submission are NOT retained on a wait list; you will have to re-apply. Alternatively, there are other low cost veterinary and spay/neuter resources you can access privately as well for more time sensitive needs.


Q. How long do the vouchers last?

A. Vouchers are issued with an expiration date and will not be accepted beyond that date. Vouchers carry no cash value and are valid for the approved pet only.


Q. How many pets can I have fixed under this program?

A. An approved applicant may use one voucher per year, per household. Applicants with multiple pets may wish to browse the Resources page for other low cost veterinary options.


Q. Does this program cover community and unowned cats?

A. No, this program is for owned pets. There is a program within Berkeley County already for community cats (Berkeley County Community Cats), as well as other local programs to assist with TNVR.


Q. Is this a mobile clinic?

A. No. While it may evolve to include a mobile provider option at some point in time, it is currently not mobile.


Rev. 8/29/24



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This program is privately managed and not sponsored by or affiliated with Berkeley Animal Center or any one shelter, rescue or veterinary office.


© 2024, Lowcountry Pet Fixers